Executive Advisor
Keynote Speaker
About me
- Year of manufacture 1965
- 1 child
Studied electrical engineering at the University of Stuttgart, graduated as Diplom-Ingenieur (graduate engineer)
Several semesters of business law at the Distance University of Hagen
Areas of work
- Software development
- Cyber security
- Sustainability reporting
- Founder of KonBriefing Research
Professional competencies
Strategic and operational management, software development, cybersecurity, information security, business continuity management, sustainability reporting
Personal competencies
Manager and Entrepreneur. Highly motivated, analytical, and enthusiastic personality with excellent leadership and communication skills. Solution and result oriented.
Special abilities
Structuring topics. Present complex issues in an understandable and logical manner.
My values
Honesty, integrity, responsibility, performance.
Quotes / Statements
Publications and mentions
* = Reference to KonBriefing Research
EEPower, Electrical Power Engineering Technical Articles, Boise, Idaho (USA) Guarding the Grid: Cyber Barriers to Grid Digitalization *
Kean University, Union, New Jersey (USA) Research Days Poster: Creation of a Non-Profit and Non-Governmental Organization Cybersecurity Incident Reporting and
Dataset Repository *
Dataset Repository *
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Masdar City (United Arab Emirates) Geopolitics of the energy transition: Energy security *
iThome, Taipei (Taiwan) 【回顧2023十大資安漏洞|No.1:CVE-2023-34362】MOVEit檔案傳輸軟體漏洞 ( MOVEit File Transfer Software Vulnerability) *
KOMMUNAL, the official organ of the Austrian Association of Municipalities (Austria) Alle Daten weg: Wie eine Gemeinde zum Hacker-Opfer wurde *
Liberaler Mittelstand e.V. – Bundesvereinigung Veranstaltungsrückblick: Informationssicherheit im Mittelstand *
Comprehensive Wealth Management, Lynnwood, Washington (USA): 8 Strategies to Protect Your Online Life *
Lemberg Law LLC, Wilton, Connecticut (USA): Are Autonomous Vehicles Safe? *
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI), Bonn: Digitaler Verbraucherschutz: BSI-Jahresrückblick 2023 *
ThinkOn, Toronto, Ontario (Canada): Data Sovereignty Myth: If My Data is in a Data Centre in Canada, it’s Sovereign
Emtech Group, Inc, Dallas, Texas (USA): Shift Left in SDLC: Mitigating Software Supply Chain Attacks for Insurance Carriers * (Germany): Cyberresilienz nicht unterminieren ("Do not undermine cyber resilience") *
Industry4Business, Network Digital 360, Milano (Italy): Rafforzare la security OT in aeroporto con i servizi crowd-based (Strengthening OT security at the airport with crowd-based services) *
Agència de Ciberseguretat de Catalunya, Barcelona (Spain): Resum de tendències de ciberseguretat (Summary of cybersecurity trends) *
Harvard Business Review: Why Data Breaches Spiked in 2023, by Stuart Madnick *
Groningen Journal of International Law, Vol. 10 No. 2 (2023), p 91-102: Cyber Warfare as a Use of Force against Third-Party Countries: The Perspective of International Law *
KOMMUNAL das Magazin für Bürgermeister, Kommunalpolitiker und Verwaltung, Österreichischer Kommunal-Verlag GmbH, Wien (Austria): Cyberangriff legt Korneuburger Rathaus lahm *
Departamento Economía y Administración de Empresas, Universidad de Málaga (Spain): The Cybersecurity Applied by Online Travel Agencies and Hotels to Protect Users’ Private Data in Smart Cities *
Markt und Mittelstand, Weimer Media Group GmbH (Germany): Knapper Zeitplan für NIS-2 *
The Times of India, Mumbai (India): Hackers steal data of 7,300 students, employers of this tech university *
Vereinigung der UniversitätslehrerInnen der Universitäten in Innsbruck (Austria): Cyberangriffe auf Universitäten
Cybersecurity Dive, Washington DC (USA): Progress Software’s MOVEit meltdown: uncovering the fallout *
Coviant Software, San Antonio, Texas (USA): Market Forces Can Improve Digital Supply Chain Security *
Axle IT, Vianen (Netherlands): Netwrix powerful data security made easy *
Prof. DI Dr. Klaus Gebeshuber, FH Joanneum, Graz (Austria): Effektive Cybersecurity Strategien - Schützen Sie sich vor digitalen Bedrohungen *
vgbe energy e.V., internationaler Fachverband für die Erzeugung und Speicherung von Strom und Wärme, Essen (Germany): vgbe energy journal 12/2023: Die Jagd auf Cyberrisiken in der Netzleit- und Fernwirktechnik von Energieunternehmen *
Entersoft Security, Hyderabad (India): Top 12 cyberattacks in the year 2023 : How organizations can prevent such attacks in 2024? *
American Banker, New York (USA): 6 of the biggest threats banks faced in 2023 * GmbH, Friedrichsdorf (Germany): Supply Chain Attacks: How Much Do They Cost Suppliers? *
Tecxero Podcast Vinotec: Folge 14 – 2024 – KW01 *
Health Data Management, Columbia, South Carolina (USA): Securing the future: Enhancing data protection practices in 2024 *
WRAL TechWire, Raleigh, NC (USA): Cyberattacks trend down, but costs keep rising; here are the worst ones in 2023 *
Zecurity, Houston, Texax (USA): Cyber Attack Map *
Version 2 (Singapore): Breakdown of the 11 most significant 2023 data breaches *
LOMA, Atlanta, Georgia (USA): The Road Ahead: Life Insurers Must Disrupt and Innovate to Thrive *
Apple & Professor Stuart E. Madnick: The Continued Threat to Personal Data: Key Factors Behind the 2023 Increase
WELT, Berlin (Germany): Attacken auf deutsche Kommunen – Jetzt legt der Cyberkrieg unsere Behörden lahm *
Canadian Internet Registration Authority, Ottawa, Ontario (Canada): Cyber threats are increasing: what can you do to protect your data? *
Produktion - Technik und Wirtschaft für die deutsche Industrie (Germany): Sorgloser Umgang mit Produktionsdaten kann teuer werden ("Careless handling of production data can be expensive") *
Wall Street Journal, New York City (USA): What The Board Needs To Know: Geopolitics and Cyber Risk *
Ruhr Nachrichten newspaper, Dortmund (Germany): Hackerangriff auf städtische Homepage dauerte zwei Tage Stadt Dortmund erstattet Anzeige ('Hacker attack on municipal website lasted two days City of Dortmund files charges') *
Also published in these newspapers: Dattelner Morgenpost, Hellweger Anzeiger, Hertener Allgemeine, Marler Zeitung, Münsterland Zeitung, Recklinghäuser Zeitung, Stimberg Zeitung, Waltroper Zeitung
Ethical Hackers | Türkiye Siber Güvenlik Topluluğu (Turkey): Askeri ve Savunma Sanayine Yönelik Siber Saldırılar 2022 Yılı Raporu ('Cyber Attacks on Military and Defense Industry 2022 Report') *
The Centre for Strategic Cyberspace + International Studies, London (UK): Cyber Intelligence Report - This report contains selected cyber-security information from 30th Sept to 12th Oct 2023 *
ThinkAdvisor - Investment News & Analysis for Financial Advisors, New York City (USA):: MOVEit Breach Suits Against Genworth, TIAA and Others Head to Boston
Frankfurter Neue Presse newspaper, Frankfurt am Main (Germany): Hackerangriff wohl rechtzeitig bemerkt *
teiss / Lyonsdown Limited, London (UK): Colorado health department adds 95k individuals to its list of MOVEit hack victims *
Frankfurter Rundschau newspaper, Frankfurt am Main (Germany): Hacker-Angriff rechtzeitig bemerkt? *
ITmedia, Tokio (Japan): MOVEit関連のサイバー攻撃 発覚から数カ月も被害者が増え続けるワケ ('Why the number of MOVEit-related cyberattack victims continues to rise months after its discovery?') *
L'Usine Digitale, Antony (France): Sony confirme être une victime collatérale de l'attaque contre MOVEit *
Khipu Networks (UK): Proactive Community-Focussed Threat Hunting Protects Against MOVEit Vulnerability *, Momentum Media, North Sydney (Australia): Makers of MOVEit file transfer app report new flaws in its FTP software, exploitation under way *
Accrediting Commission of Careers Schools and Colleges ACCSC, Arlington, Virginia (USA) / Vusala Aranjo: 'We have a great data privacy and information security process!' said no one *
資安人科技網 Information Security (Taiwan): 繼Moveit漏洞!Progress Software再爆WS_FTP漏洞 *
Biallo - Ihr Online-Magazin für private Finanzen (Germany): Datenleck bei Banken: Steht Ihnen Schadenersatz zu? *
The Topeka Capital Journal, Topeka, Kansas (USA): Data breach affects college students *
Healthcare IT News, Portland, Maine (USA): Nuance adds 1.2M patients to the MOVEit hack victims list
Directoratul Național de Securitate Cibernetică DNSC, Bucharest (Romania): Știrile săptămânii din cybersecurity (28.09.2023) (The Romanian National Cyber Security Directorate: Cybersecurity News of the week, September 28, 2023) *
The TNS Group, New York, NY (USA): Proactive Cybersecurity and Vulnerability Management: Learning from the MOVEit Compromise * – The Definitive Compendium Project, Digital Forensics & Incident Response: InfoSec News Nuggets 09/27/2023 *
omega systems, Reading, Pennsylvania (USA): Proactive Cybersecurity and Vulnerability Management: Learning from the MOVEit Compromise *
Help Net Security (Croatia): Cl0p’s MOVEit attack tally surpasses 2,000 victim organizations *
USA Today, McLean, Virginia (USA): College kids should review passwords and credit amid massive Progress software data breach *
Data Breach Today - Information Security Media Group, Princeton, New Jersey (USA): Data Breach Toll Tied to Clop Group's MOVEit Attacks Surges, by Mathew J. Schwartz *
ITmedia / アイティメディア株式会社, Tokyo (Japan) ランサムウェア攻撃の3分の1がClopの仕業 大躍進の背景とは? ("One-third of ransomware attacks are the work of Clop. What is behind the great leap forward?") *
beartai / แบไต๋, Bangkok (Thailand) รู้จักกับช่องโหว่ใน MOVEit Transfer ที่สร้างความเสียหายให้ผู้คนกว่า 60 ล้าน ("Get to know the vulnerability in MOVEit Transfer that has damaged over 60 million people.") *
In the audio (Thai), KonBriefing Research is mentioned at 04:07 and at 06:21.
Financial Times, London (UK) Airlines prioritise safe connections *
IT World Canada, Scarborough, Ontario (Kanada) Air Canada admits hack of employee data *
Direction Informatique, Toronto (Canada) Air Canada admet le piratage des données de ses employés *
teiss / Lyonsdown Limited, London (UK) Radius Global ups the count of MOVEit breach victims to over 630,000 individuals *
NetDiligence, Gladwyne, Pennsylvania (USA) Cyber Risk News - Vol. 260 - September 20, 2023, MOVEit Health Data Breach Tally Keeps Growing *
Luzern University, Prof. Armand Portmannteiss (Switzerland) Awareness für Informationssicherheit *
teiss / Lyonsdown Limited, London (UK) Software maker Sovos Compliance said MOVEit Transfer hack impacted over 215k customers *
NordLayer, New York (USA) Back to school, back to risks: cybersecurity challenges in education *
teiss / Lyonsdown Limited, London (UK) US software company Alogent says MOVEit Transfer hack impacted more than 4.5m customers *
Boston Sunday Globe, Boston, Massachusetts (USA) Eversource and Unitil also hit by security breaches *
Think Advisor, New York (USA) TIAA Hit With Second Class-Action Suit Over MOVEit Hack *
Eccleston Law, Chicago, Illinois (USA) Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Against Schwab and TD Ameritrade *
Think Advisor, New York (USA) Genworth Sued Over Personal Data Exposed in MOVEit Hack *
Aerospace Testing International, Dartford (UK) Security in the clouds *
Cimetrics, Malden, Massachusetts (USA) Cybersecurity news August 2023 - MOVEit attack victim count surpasses 1,000 organizations *
Rich Tehrani Comm & Tech Blog, Norwalk, Connecticut (USA) Cybersecurity in the Wake of MOVEit Attack: Strategies for a Safer Tomorrow *
The Boston Globe, Boston, Massachusetts (USA) Eversource, Unitil are latest utilities to warn of customer data breach *
Drawbridge, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida (USA): Exploitation of MOVEit software demonstrates the criticality of vendor due diligence *
ThinkAdvisor: Investment News & Analysis for Financial Advisors, New York City (USA): TD Ameritrade Hit With Class-Action Suit Over MOVEit Hack *
Wall Street Journal, WSJ Pro / What the board needs to know (USA): Are you at risk of being ‘socially engineered’ by hackers? *
En-Contact Magazine, Paris (France): SNCF, Schneider Electric, Cegedim, Hospices Civils de Lyon, 5 entreprises victimes comme Pôle Emploi de MoveIT Transfer *
Cybersecurity Dive, Washington (USA): MOVEit attack victim count surpasses 1,000 organizations *
Ermer & Suter PLLC, Washington DC (USA): Cybersecurity Saturday *
The Statesman - Student newspaper serving Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York USA): Cyberattack raises security concerns among SBU students and faculty *
EDUCV - Working group of operational information security teams, University of Stuttgart (Germany): Lagebericht: Ransomware bei Einrichtungen im Deutschen Forschungsnetz ("Situation Report: Ransomware at Institutions in the German Research Network") *
DKCERT - Danish Computer Security Incident Response Team, Lyngby (Denmark): Rekord i registrerede ransomwareangreb ("Record in recorded ransomware attacks")
Colorado School of Mines - A Premier Engineering University, Golden, Colorado (USA): Attention: MDCP and 403(b) Retirement Plan Participants *
Cybersecurity Dive, Washington DC (USA): MOVEit attack spree makes Clop this summer’s most-prolific ransomware group *
The HIPAA Journal, Lansing, Michigan (USA): July 2023 Healthcare Data Breach Report *
Cyber Security Connect (Australia): Clop ransomware gang dumps all its MOVEit data online *
Neotel Segurança Digital, São Paulo (Brazil): Análise: o hack do MOVEit gerou mais de 600 violações, mas ainda não foi concluído – analistas cibernéticos
The Royal Alberta United Services Institute (Canada): Cyber-Intelligence Report *
The Wall Street Journal / WSJ Pro (USA): Third-Party Cyber Risk Management Primer: Aug 2023 Update *
The HIPAA Journal, Lansing, Michigan (USA): Records of 4 Million Coloradans Compromised in MOVEit Transfer Attack * - Information Security Media Group, Princeton, New Jersey (USA): Count of Organizations Affected by MOVEit Attacks Hits 637, by Mathew J. Schwartz *
The HIPAA Journal, Lansing, Michigan (USA): Ransomware Gangs Increasingly Exploiting 0Day and 1Day Vulnerabilities *
teiss, London (UK): Indiana University Health's patient data compromised in MOVEit Transfer breach *
Reuters News Agency, London (UK): Analysis: MOVEit hack spawned over 600 breaches but is not done yet -cyber analysts
This Reuters story, in which I am named, has also been translated into about 10 languages and has appeared in media around the world. Working with the two Reuters journalists from Washington was very cool, thanks for the experience!
iThome, Taipei (Taiwan): 鎖定MFT系統MOVEit攻擊事件近六百家企業機構遭殃,且規模持續擴大(截至7月31日) ("Lockdown of MFT System MOVEit Attack Hits Nearly Six Hundred Business Organizations and Continues to Grow in Scale - as of July 31)
The HIPAA E-Tool, St. Louis, Missouri (USA): Lessons From the MOVEit Data Breach * - Information Security Media Group, Princeton, New Jersey (USA): Known MOVEit Attack Victim Count Reaches 545 Organizations, by Mathew J. Schwartz *
Colorado Computer Support, Colorado Springs (USA): MOVEit Data Breach Impacting 35 Million Users Worldwide *
In the video starting at 2:20, Blake Schwank refers to 👍
Harry HR, Leiderdorp (Netherlands): The Impact of Financial Care on Employee Mental Health *
Telefónica Tech, Madrid (Spain): Campaña de ransomware Cl0p explotando vulnerabilidad en MOVEit *
Computer Weekly, London (UK): Cyber criminals pivot away from ransomware encryption *
The HIPAA Journal, Lansing, Michigan (USA): 98,000 UT Southwestern Medical Center Patients Affected by MOVEit Cyberattack *
The Hacker News (USA): New SEC Rules Require U.S. Companies to Reveal Cyber Attacks Within 4 Days *
Help Net Security (Croatia): Has the MOVEit hack paid off for Cl0p? *
Data Breach Today, Princeton, New Jersey (USA): Service Provider's Probe Counts More Victims of MOVEit Hacks *
Swiss IT Magazine, Thalwil (Switzerland): Moveit-Attacke betrifft auch Schweizer Unternehmen *
Energy Central, Aurora, Colorado (USA): How to use an SBOM for Software Vulnerability Monitoring PROACTIVELY *
Info Risk Today (USA): Count of Organizations Breached via MOVEit Campaign Hits 400 *
PKWare, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (USA): *
The Cyber Express, Alpharetta, Georgia (USA): PwC Data Breach: Exposed Stolen Information Now Available on .com Domain *
HappyCo, Carlsbad, California (USA): Why SOC 2 Type II Certification Matters in Multifamily *
Cybersecurity Dive, Washington (USA): MOVEit mass exploit timeline: How the file-transfer service attacks entangled victims - Information Security Media Group, Princeton, New Jersey (USA): As Data Breach Reports Surge, Healthcare Is Most Hit Sector, by Mathew J. Schwartz *
Communications Litigation Today, Warren Communications News, Washington (USA): Pension Fund Victim Moves Court to Transfer 10 Related Cases to MOVEit Data Breach MDL *
Heise, Hannover (Germany): Datenleck bei Banken: Hackerangriff betrifft auch ING und Comdirect ("Data leak at banks: hacker attack also affects ING and Comdirect") *
Podcast: Cyber Morning Call (Brazil): Cyber Morning Call - #348 - 06/07/2023
Unfortunately, I do not speak Portuguese. But at 4:05 begins a feature on MOVEit and at 4:38 suddenly my name is mentioned 😂. Thanks to the wonderful Carlos Cabral from São Paulo, who had then also sent me a translation!
Sächsische Anstalt für kommunale Datenverarbeitung (SAKD), Bischofswerda (Germany): Auswahlkriterien für eine Software zur Verwaltung von Daten des Informations-Sicherheits-Management-Systems (Saxon institute for municipal data processing: "Selection criteria for software for managing data in the information security management system") *
SC Media, Cyber Risk Alliance, New York (USA): MOVEit hackers may have found simpler business model beyond ransomware *
Cyware, Jersey City (USA) Cyware Daily Threat Intelligence, June 28, 2023 *
defenceWeb - Africa's leading defence news portal (South Africa): Enhancing data security in the defence industry through encryption * (Norway) Personinfo fra norsk inkassofirma kan være på avveie etter gigantisk løsepengeangrep ("Personal information from Norwegian debt collection company may have gone astray after giant ransomware attack") With a graphic from KonBriefing (Paywall)
GovPilot, Manasquan, New Jersey (USA): Government Data Breach Examples & Lessons 2023: Preventing Data Loss & Leaks *
Connect Professional Zero Trust: Damit das digitale Bürger-Vertrauen nicht erodiert ("Zero Trust: Making sure citizens' digital trust doesn't erode") *
Correio dos Açores, Ponta Delgada, Azores (Portugal) Cibersegurança – um assunto que diz respeito a todos ("Cybersecurity – a matter that concerns everyone") *
Pontoon Solutions, Jacksonville, Florida (USA) Industrials Segment Burst: Summer 2023 - Cybersecurity talent in aviation *
HIS-Institut für Hochschulentwicklung e. V.: Cyberangriffe auf deutsche Hochschulen (HIS Institute for Higher Education Development: "Cyberattacks on German universities") *
Berinfor AG, Zürich (Switzerland): CIO-ROUNDTABLE «Cybersecurity in Hochschulen» – 25.08.2023 – The Circle Zürich *
Rezcomm, Exeter (UK): Airport data management: Privacy, security and sharing *
Institut für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Austria) DIGITALISIERUNG, VULNERABILITÄT UND (KRITISCHE) GESELLSCHAFTLICHE INFRASTRUKTUREN *
Microsoft Blog (USA): Deliver an innovative cybersecurity approach for airports with Microsoft *
Tagesspiegel, Berlin Systemrisiko Bitmarck? *
CBS 17 WNCN, Raleigh, North Carolina (USA) Cyber attacks infecting at new levels in 2023, experts say, Steve Sbraccia *
European Union - European Committee of the Regions / Simona Cavallini, Rossella Soldi, Gabriele Casalini, Giorgos Verdi, Antonio Grasso Digital Resilience *
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE, New York (USA) / A. Hussain; F. Aguiló-Gost; E. Simó-Mezquita; E. Marín-Tordera; X. Massip An NIDS for Known and Zero-Day Anomalies *
Casino News Daily, London (UK) Cyberattack – 14 Canadian Casinos Shut Down Since April 16 *
Næringslivets sikkerhetsråd - Industry Safety Council (Norway) NRK Trusselvurdering *
Trebas Institute, College in Montreal (Canada) How can studying in Canada help you make it big in the tech and business industry? *
Cyber Security Intelligence (UK) Universities Are Exposing Their Students To Cyber Threats *
DKCERT - Danish Computer Security Incident Response Team DKCERT Trendrapport 2023 *
American Enterprise Institute, Washington DC (USA) / Lilla Nóra Kiss: The United States’ Tech Regulatory Dilemma—Through a Foreigner’s Eyes *
Georges Ataya, Professor and Academic Director at Solvay Brussels School (Belgium)
What are the responsibilities of leaders in digital protection and in responding to cybersecurity incidents? *
What are the responsibilities of leaders in digital protection and in responding to cybersecurity incidents? *
IHK Koblenz / IHKHub: IT-Sicherheit: So sensibilisieren Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter ("IT security: How to raise awareness among your employees") *
FundsPeople España, Reference community for collective investments and asset managers in Southern Europe, Madrid (Spain): Ciberataques: guía para medir este riesgo en el análisis de una compañía ("Cyber-attacks: a guide to measuring this risk in a company's analysis") *
Better Internet for Kids / European Schoolnet - on behalf of the European Commission Cybersecurity and cybercrime *
Zukunft Digitale Bildung gGmbH / Lehrer-News: Cyberattacken in Karlsruhe: Bildungseinrichtungen immer häufiger von Hackerangriffen betroffen ("Cyberattacks in Karlsruhe: Educational institutions increasingly affected by hacker attacks") *
Stiftung Familienunternehmen, München / Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT, Oberhausen: Technologieatlas Nachhaltigkeit - Familienunternehmen als Entwickler und Anwender von Umwelttechnologien ("Technology Atlas Sustainability - Family Businesses as Developers and Users of Environmental Technologies") *
SBMIntel, Nigeria's leading geopolitical intelligence platform (Nigeria) The week ahead - Shuffle * (1)
Business Day - daily business newspaper (Nigeria): Election: Global attack map contradicts Pantami's 12.9m hacking claim * (1)
I do not fully agree with the conclusions in the two Nigerian newspapers. KonBriefing Research reports only on successful attempts that have become known. If no successful attacks are listed here for the period mentioned, there may still have been many attempts. But, of course, it is legitimate to question how the officially stated figure was arrived at.
L'Echo - business journal (Belgium): Quelle est la responsabilité des dirigeants dans la protection digitale et face aux incidents de cybersécurité *
Canadian College of Technology and Business, Vancouver (Canada): Why Canada Needs to Pay More Attention to Cybersecurity Risks *
KnowBe4 Blog, Clearwater (USA): The Education Sector Must Act Now *
Insurance Times, High Wycombe (UK): ‘Cyber and technology risks’ pose ‘key challenges’ for aviation sector * Bildungssektor im Fadenkreuz Cyberkrimineller ("Education sector in the crosshairs of cybercriminals") * Fünf Herausforderungen für IT Service Provider ("Five challenges for IT service providers")
Make Use Of / Valnet Inc., St. Laurent (Canada): Why Cyberattacks Hit Higher Ed and What You Can Do to Stop Them *
University of Sussex, Brighton (UK): Sussex is a high-value target *
Ministry of Defence of Spain / Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos (Institute for Strategic Studies): Ciberdaños en los medios de comunicación *
Schroder Investment Management, London (UK): Understanding cybersecurity risks *
Ericom Software (Israel/USA/UK): To Secure the Public Sector from Cyberattacks, in Zero We Trust *
VMware / Dev Sharma Enforcing a Strong Zero Trust Ransomware Defense *
MARTEC-BBS IT-Sicherheit - BSI - Leitfaden, Richtlinien und Informationen zur Lage ("IT Security - BSI - Guideline, guidelines and information on the situation") *
Cyber Security Intelligence (UK) European & American Hackers Attack China *
General-Anzeiger, Bonn (Newspaper): Universität Bonn wehrt täglich Cyberangriffe ab - Angriffe auf Hochschulen in NRW ("University of Bonn fends off cyber attacks daily - Attacks on universities in North Rhine-Westphalia") - with statement from me
ManageEngine France - Blog: Statistiques sur les ransomwares en France en 2022 ("Statistics on ransomware in France in 2022") *
Aachener Zeitung (Newspaper): Hacker attackieren täglich Unis und Krankenhäuser ("Hackers attack universities and hospitals every day") - with statement from me
Rheinische Post, Dusseldorf (Newspaper): Hacker greifen täglich Unis in NRW an ("Hackers attack universities in North Rhine-Westphalia every day") - with statement from me
Pohl Consulting Team GmbH, Bad Arolsen - Facebook: Hackerangriff 2023 in Deutschland aktuell heute. *
DataCo GmbH / DataGuard, Munich/Berlin/London/Vienna: Warum Universitäten und Forschungsinstitute beliebte Ziele für Hacker sind ("Why universities and research institutes are popular targets for hackers") *
Cisco Systems: Cybersicherheit an Hochschulen: Sieben erste Schritte zum besseren Schutz ("Cybersecurity at universities: Seven first steps to better protection") *
Business Insider: „ChatGPT ist eine Killer-KI“: So blickt der Deutschland-Chef von Cisco auf das Tech-Jahr 2023 („ChatGPT is a killer AI“: This is how Cisco's Germany boss looks ahead to the tech year 2023) *
AgileBlue, Cleveland (USA) - Blog: Top January 2023 Cyber-Attacks *
DBConcepts GmbH: Wie Sie sich vor Hackerangriffen schützen können | Unsere 3 Tipps ("How to protect yourself from hacker attacks | Our 3 tips") * Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar – Aktuelle Cyberangriffe in Deutschland und international ("Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region - Current Cyber Attacks in Germany and Internationally") *
eSchool News, Rockville, Maryland (USA) In cybersecurity, balancing vigilance with access *
Efecte, Espoo (Finland) European hospital saves hundreds of thousands of euros per year with Efecte IGA solution *
centron GmbH, Blog: HAW Hamburg fällt Cyberattacke zum Opfer ("HAW Hamburg falls victim to cyberattack") *
ZDNet: Nur eine konzertierte Aktion schafft Cybersicherheit ("Only a concerted effort creates cybersecurity") *
heise online: Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg hart von Cyberattacke getroffen ("Hamburg University of Applied Sciences hit hard by cyber attack") *
Manjula M, Venkatesh and Venugopal K. R.: Cyber Security Threats and Countermeasures using Machine and Deep Learning Approaches: A Survey Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, Bangalore University, Bengaluru (India) *
Security-Insider: KRITIS, Krieg und Kernfusion, das war 2022! ("Critical infrastructure, war and nuclear fusion, that was in 2022!", Podcast)
AgileBlue, Cleveland (USA) - Blog: Top December 2022 Cyber-Attacks *
Social Media Konzepte: KryptoCrash und die peinliche Currywurst - Monatsrückblick Dezember *
Cyber Security 360, Milano (Italy) Istituzioni pubbliche bersaglio di attacchi DDoS: l’Agenzia cyber invita a tenere alta la guardia ("Public institutions targeted by DDoS attacks: cyber agency urges to keep guard up") *
Rockwell Model United Nations ROCKMUN 2022 - Rockwell International School, Hyderabad (India) Background Guide - Interpol *
AgileBlue, Cleveland (USA) - Blog: Top November 2022 Cyber-Attacks *
Main-Post, Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Würzburg, Schweinfurt, Franken, Bayern und der Welt: Kommentar: Auch Behörden müssen sich besser vor Cyberattacken schützen ("Comment: Government agencies also need better protection against cyberattacks") *
NovaStor GmbH: Übersicht Cyberangriffe (LinkedIn) *
CyITS - Israel Cyber Center for Intelligent Transportation Systems: Mapping #cyberattacks by month & country (LinkedIn) *
Adaptive Office Solutions, Miramichi (Canada): Which Canadian companies and organizations have been victims ... (Facebook) *
Schlütersche Fachmedien GmbH - Malware wird zum Service *
National Cybersecurity Centre NCSC - the Confederation's competence centre for cybersecurity (Switzerland): Semi-annual report 2022/1 *
AgileBlue, Cleveland (USA) - Blog: Top October 2022 Cyber-Attacks *
B2B Cyber Security: Erfolgreiche Cyber-Angriffe auf KRITIS haben sich verdoppelt *
OPaís, Luanda (Angola): A letargia da política de cibersegurança em Angola *
Börsen-Zeitung: Cyberangriffe: Von allen Seiten *
Cisco News The EMEA Network Security-Zahl des Monats Oktober: 56 *
citadelle systems AG - Blog: IT-Budgetplanung: 4 Tipps für eine effiziente Planung *
Canadian Sailings - Transportation & Trade Logistics, Rivière Beaudette (Canada): Supply chains show slow progress toward e-document transition *
Fairfax Com - Ciberseguridad & Software, Cali (Colombia): Worldwide ransomware and cyber-attacks September 2022 (LinkedIn) *
Hochschule Anhalt, University of Applied Sciences (Germany): BSI-Newsletter SICHER INFORMIERT *
AgileBlue, Cleveland (USA) - Blog: Top September 2022 Cyber-Attacks *
Wirtschaftskammer Oberösterreich / WIFI Oberösterreich, Linz (Austria): Cybercrime- & Security im Unternehmenskontext *
2|SEC Consulting, London (UK): An interesting look ... *
Trade Up Global Business Solutions, Buenos Aires (Argentina): Digitalización (LinkedIn) *
Fathi, Karim: Gesellschaftliche Multiresilienz im Kontext von Krisenbündeln und Bündelkrisen in der DACH-Region In: Resilienz als Strategie in Region, Destination und Unternehmen, SpringerGabler *
The Loadstar - Making sense of the supply chain, London (UK): Supply chains show slow progress toward e-document transition *
IBM SecurityIntelligence: The Cost of a Data Breach for Government Agencies *
AgileBlue, Cleveland (USA) - Blog: Top August 2022 Cyber-Attacks *
standpunkt digital GmbH & Co. KG (Germany): Cyberangriffe gefährden Betriebe *
Infosec Program Partners, Bratislava (Slovakia): Cybercrime in Canada *
IT-Sicherheit - Magazin für Informationssicherheit und Datenschutz Das richtige Verhalten bei Hacker-Angriffen und Malware-Befall lernen *
MöbelLogistik - Offizielles Organ des Bundesverbandes Möbelspedition und Logistik (AMÖ) e.V. und der Gruppe internationaler Möbelspediteure GIM e.V. (03/2022): "Ein solcher Hackerangriff kann der Genickbruch für ein Unternehmen sein!" *
exali AG, Augsburg (Germany): Cyber-Risiko Betriebsunterbrechung: Wenn Hacker:innen Ihr Business lahmlegen ("Business interruption: When hackers cripple your business") *
AgileBlue, Cleveland (USA) - Blog: Top July 2022 Cyber Attacks *
digiVolution Foundation, Muri (Switzerland) - Newsletter: August 1st, 2035 *
Comparitech (UK) Canada cyber security and cyber crime statistics (2020-2022) *
Die Tagespost - Katholische Wochenzeitung für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur (Germany): IT-Sicherheit in Deutschland – das Home-Office als Schwachpunkt ("IT security in Germany - the home office as a weak point") *
FreeBuf - the portal of the domestic network security industry, Shanghai (China): 大国网络安全之加拿大:背靠美国“好乘凉” ("Canada as a superpower in cybersecurity: 'Good to enjoy the cool'") *
Multi-Housing News, New York (USA): Multifamily Cybersecurity Matters More Than Ever *
Cyber Security Intelligence Ltd, South Nutfield (UK): Magecart Attacks Hit Hundreds Of US Restaurants *
Dyrand Systems, Vancouver (Canada): Common Types of Cyber Attacks and Prevention Tactics *, Rye Brook (USA): Breaking News *
Journal "IT-Sicherheit" June/July 2022, Datakontext-Verlag: IT-Sicherheit in der öffentlichen Verwaltung - IT-Sicherheitstechnologien geschickt verknüpft ("IT Security in Public Administration - IT security technologies cleverly combined") *
International Relations, Strategy and Security) Neapolis University Pafos (Cyprus) *
International Relations, Strategy and Security) Neapolis University Pafos (Cyprus) *
EUclaim Deutschland GmbH, Oberhausen (Germany) - Blog: Datensicherheit: Wenn Hacker Flughäfen angreifen ("Data security: When hackers attack airports") *
Cisco customer conference "Cisco Live 2022", Las Vegas (USA): How to build a Secure Multi-Cloud environment with Cisco Secure Workload *
TNC22, research and education networking conference, Trieste (Italien): Cyber Threat Intelligence for Research and Education *
Hochschule Anhalt, University of Applied Sciences (Germany): Newsletter Information Security 12/2022 *
TechSmart, Johannesburg (South Africa)
SA public sector a choice target for cyber extortion *
SA public sector a choice target for cyber extortion *
Sandra Aengenheyster: Cyber-Radar - eine Übersicht ("Cyber radar - an overview") *
NCS Netzwerke Computer Service GmbH, Friedberg (Germany) - Blog: Internetangriffe: Die dunkle Gefahr aus dem Web! ("Internet attacks: The dark danger from the web!") *
Connected World, Columbia (USA): Managing Risks Proactively and Automatically *
AMC Wirtschaftsakademie GmbH, Wien (Austria) / Beispiele Cyberangriffe auf Uni’s und FH’s ("Examples of cyber attacks on universities and universities of applied sciences") *
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung / Kopernikus-Projekte: Das Kopernikus-Projekt SynErgie - Security Guide Synergie 2.0 *
VMware Inc.: VMware Security - La catena di sicurezza in un attacco hacker (VMware Security - The security chain in a hacker attack), Video (Youtube): Primavera con il VMUGIT 2022 - 2/3 - Catena di sicurezza in un cyberattacco (S.Iannelli-M.Spagnoli) Presentation for the VMware User Group Italia (VMUG Italy) *
Information Security in Healthcare – Conference 2022, Cham (Switzerland) Über Cyberrisiken und ihre Nebenwirkungen *
Comparitech (UK) France cyber security and cyber crime statistics (2020-2021) *
Windows-FAQ: Cyberangriffe auf die Industrie: Welche Gefahren drohen Unternehmen durch das Internet? ("Cyberattacks on businesses: What threats do companies face from the Internet?", German) *
Claranet GmbH - Managed Service Provider (Germany) - Blog: IT-Sicherheit in Unternehmen: So erhöhen Sie das Schutzniveau ("IT security in companies: How to increase the level of protection", German) *
Comparitech - Tech researched, compared and rated (United Kingdom) Italy cyber security and cyber crime statistics (2020-2022) *
Bundesverband für Ambulantes Operieren e.V. - Marktplatz (Germany): Cybersicherheit in der Arztpraxis – so schützen Sie Ihre Praxis ("Cybersecurity in the medical practice - how to protect your practice", German) *
International News Media Association INMA, Dallas (USA): 3 media companies share strategies for managing cyber attacks *
CyberPeace Institute, Geneva (Switzerland): Cyber Incident Tracer (CIT) #HEALTH - a data platform that displays cyberattacks on the healthcare sector *
University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki (Greece) - Thessaloniki's International Student Model United Nations ThessISMUN: 1st Committee of the GA - COUNTERING CYBERATTACKS AND ESTABLISHING CYBER SECURITY STRATEGIES, THROUGH INTERNATIONAL AND COHESIVE EFFORTS, IN THE AI ERA *
Amewusika D. Sedzro, Boston (USA) A Cybersecurity Call-to-Action for SMBs, Urban Planners, and Non-Techies *
Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten - Aktuelles der Politik aus Deutschland, Europa und der Welt (Newspaper in Germany): Deutscher Pumpenhersteller KSB bekräftigt Prognose für 2022 – und bietet damit Cyber-Attacke die Stirn ("German pump manufacturer KSB confirms forecast for 2022 - defying cyber attack", German) *
move - moderne verwaltung (Modern administration, Germany): Cyber-Angriffe auf die Verwaltung ("Cyber attacks on the administration", German)
Kommune21 - Journal for top administrators, heads of departments and IT decision-makers in the public sector (Germany): Studie: Cyber-Angriffe auf die Verwaltung ("Study: Cyber attacks on administrations", German)
Tradokk GmbH - Dienstleister für professionelle Softwareentwicklung - Blog: Cybersecurity (German) *
indevis IT-Consulting and Solutions GmbH - Blog: Warum Abwehr allein nicht mehr ausreicht: Die Evolution von Protection zu Detection heißt MDR ("Why defense alone is no longer enough: the evolution from protection to detection is called MDR", German) *
GORISCON GmbH - Software for information risk management and data privacy management - LinkedIn: Meldungen von Cyber-Angriffen (German) * - the online editorial team of the Straubinger Tagblatt / Landshuter Zeitung media group: So sicher sind Bürgerdaten im Viechtacher Land (German) *
Michela Ornati, Anna Picco-Schwendener, Suzanna Marazza: 'Sizing up the body: Virtual fit platforms in fashion e-commerce' in: International Journal of Fashion Studies 2022, № 1, p. 199-218; Intellect Books, Bristol, United Kingdom *
VerkehrsRundschau - Trade journal for forwarding, transport and logistics: Cyberkriminalität: Erhöhte Bedrohungslage ("Cybercrime: Increased threat level", Contains an interview with me, German)
Air Freight News (USA): Cyberattacks on transportation companies worldwide in the 2nd half of 2021
Österreichische Verkehrszeitung (Austria): Cyberangriffe: Bedrohung für Logistikbranche ("Cyberattacks: Threat to logistics industry", German)
American Journal of Transportation - The industry’s trusted trade and transportation news resource for over 100 years (USA): Review: Cyberattacks on transportation companies worldwide in the 2nd half of 2021
Internationales Verkehrwesen - Das technisch-wissenschaftliche Fachmagazin: Cyberangriffe auf Verkehrsunternehmen: wachsam sein oder paranoid? ("Cyberattacks on transport companies: being vigilant or paranoid?", German)
VerkehrsRundschau - Trade journal for forwarding, transport and logistics: Spedition und Logistik im Visier von Cyberangriffen ("Freight forwarding and logistics targeted by cyber attacks", German)
f&w - führen und wirtschaften im Krankenhaus, Official Organ of the Federal Association of German Private Hospitals, ..., Issue 2/2022 Im Notfall: Klemmbrett statt Tablet ("In an emergency: clipboard instead of tablet", Anika Pfeiffer, German)
ITleague GmbH: Internetbedrohungen: Das Grauen lauert im Internet! *
Lebensmittel Zeitung - the leading professional medium for the consumer goods industry in Germany: Royal Greenland falls victim to cyber gangsters (Maurizio Giuri and Jörg Rode, German)
aconitas GmbH: Internetbedrohungen: Die dunkle Bedrohung aus dem Netz! *
CompliPro GmbH - Your experts for data privacy: Der etwas andere Jahresrück- und -Ausblick… ("The somewhat different annual review and outlook...") *
esko-systems GmbH & Co. KG, Kötz: End Device Security: Erfolgreiche Gefahrenabwehr am Endpunkt! *
Roland Benedikter, Roland; Fathi, Karim: The Coronavirus Crisis and Its Teachings: Steps towards Multi-Resilience (Koninklijke Brill N.V., 2021) *
Hannoversche Allgemeine: Forscher sagen Cyberattacken den Kampf an (Ralph Hübner, 2021) *
coretress GmbH, Köln - Blog: Zuverlässige Bedrohungsabwehr nach dem Prinzip der Zwiebelschalen! (2021) *
Lebensmittel Zeitung: Major retailers targeted by cyber gangsters (Jörg Rode, 2021, German) * - IT strategy for managers: Hackers paralyze the city of Witten (Martin Bayer, 2021, German) *
Computerwoche: Hackers paralyze the city of Witten (Martin Bayer, 2021, German) *
Computerwoche: Spectacular hacker attacks 2021 (2021, German)
Informatik Aktuell: Ransomware: Detect and stop attacks (Alexander Peters, 2021, German) *
Benjamin Eidam: The Cyber Security Contingency Plan (2021, German) *
Competitive Intelligence
CI-Handbuch: Resources for competitive intelligence
Willy Schneider: Praxisleitfaden SWOT-Analyse: Stärken/Schwächen sowie Chancen/Risiken identifizieren und managen (2020)
Willy Schneider: Praxisleitfaden Benchmarking: Best-Practice-Lösungen identifizieren und nutzen (2020)
Britta Kalscheuer: Competitive Intelligence - Informationsgewinnung light (2014)
Johannes Deltl: Strategische Wettbewerbsbeobachtung, Springer Gabler (2011)
Nils Röder: Industriespionage - Risikofaktor Mensch Masterarbeit an der Hochschule Hannover, Fakultät IV – Abteilung Betriebswirtschaft (2011)
"Competitive Intelligence: Marktforschung, Spionage, nur ein Codewort- oder was?" in "info Sicherheit, Beiträge zu Fragen der Sicherheit in der Wirtschaft" 2/2007, Verband für Sicherheit in der Wirtschaft Niedersachsen e.V.
Klaus-Henning Glitza: Competitive Intelligence - notwendige Analysemethode oder Synonym für Spionage? (2007)
Wikipedia: Konkurencinė žvalgyba (Lithuanian)
Gerhard Gmall: CI - Competitive Intelligence, Vergleich bestehender CI-Software und Konzepterstellung für ein CI-Portal Diplomarbeit im Fachbereich Informationstechnologie, Fachhochschul-Studiengang Informationsberufe, Eisenstadt 2006
Military intelligence / military history
Joachim Streit: "Mengen - Ein fast vergessener Luftwaffenstandort." In "Die deutschen Luftstreitkräfte im Einsatz, 1956 -heute" (2024)
International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations (IFATCA): "100 Years Air Traffic Control - an incomplete History" (2023) - I am pleased that I was able to make a small contribution to this great book.
Münchener Zeitungs-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG / Dachauer Nachrichten: Interview mit Computerprogramm ChatGPT: „Mein Fehler, bitte entschuldigen Sie!“ Reference to (2023)
Book by Manfred Lentz: "Die Stasi und der Flugplatz Groß Dölln" ("The Stasi and the Groß Dölln Air Base", 2022)
Sean M. Maloney: Emergency War Plan: The American Doomsday Machine, 1945-1960, University of Nebraska Press (2021)
Book: Manfred Lentz unter Mitwirkung von Siegfried Haase und Birgit Halle: "Die Russen als Nachbarn - Vom Leben in den Dörfern am Flugplatz Groß Dölln 1945-1994" ("The Russians as Neighbors - About Life in the Villages at Groß Dölln Air Base 1945-1994", 2020)
Book by Franz Spur: Militärtransportflieger Dessau-Dresden, AeroLit-Verlag ("Military transport aviation Dessau-Dresden", 2002)
Lutz Freundt: Rote Plätze - Russische Militärflugplätze Deutschland 1945-1994, AeroLit-Verlag ("Russian military airfields Germany 1945-1994", 2007)
Events and talks
World Record night at the 9th International Speaker Slam, November 2021
Press release: "After stops in New York, Munich, Düsseldorf, Hamburg and Vienna, the 9th international Speaker Slam came to the Scherer Studios in Mastershausen in Germany. Participants from 11 countries contested this top-class speaker competition under the eyes of a professional jury.
In a pre-round, 88 speakers from three continents qualified for the final, which took place on two stages and was streamed live worldwide. There, Bert Kondruss wowed the audience with a brilliant speech on the challenges of cybersecurity. His compelling performance was rewarded by the audience with a standing ovation. With this, he won the prestigious Excellence Award and, together with the other finalists, ensured that the night ended with a world record - because a Speaker Slam on two stages has never been seen before."
- Image: Dominik Pfau
- Image: Dominik Pfau
Guest on the Expert-Podcast
Here I was on the Expert-Podcast with Selina.
Interview (2021)
Seminar Competitive Intelligence (2007)
Competitive Intelligence, Verband für Sicherheit in der Wirtschaft Niedersachsen e.V.
Reference customers
"Bert Kondruss has regularly and successfully advised and accompanied us in matters of digitalization and cyber security. His competent and authoritative manner was helpful to understand the issues well and helped us in our
our decisions very much. We are happy to recommend Bert Kondruss to others."
our decisions very much. We are happy to recommend Bert Kondruss to others."
Management of the EHG Edelstahl Rohrherstellung GmbH
"With his very personal story, he made the complex topic of cybersecurity accessible to every audience member. Great compliments!" - Elke S.
"100% Authentic ! Thank you, you were an asset to our event." - Karsten S.
"From the first to the last second, Bert Kondruss' lecture captivated me. He knows how to bring his subject to the stage in an entertaining way. I look forward to more." - Claudia H.